Asalam Alikuym lovelies,
Another post on the topic ... Man what a depressing blog this is turning out to be lol..
This is kinda a follow on post... I am sad to say I have encountered every single comment on this picture.. And more.. I guess that's why I make sure I NEVER minimalise or say something that may cause more pain when someone reaches out.. It takes so much courage to actually say.. Hey I'm not feeling so well, I'm not coping, i feel like I'm drowning here, even to say I'm depressed.. Big deal guys its a very big deal..
Being a Muslim with an mental illness/depression I've also encountered the "lack of faith" comments:
These being:
You must just have weak Iman.
You just need to pray more.
You need to read Qu'ran, I mean Really read it.
Maybe you have a jinn?!
If you really believed....
Be grateful you're not in Gaza/Syria/Iran/ "Insert struggling conflicting or oppressed country here"
Can I be honest and say the clichcè quotes about Allah testing us, Prison for a believer, etc although can be encouraging need to be said in the most caring way not thrown out there like venom or an after thought.. I'm gonna write a what to say post soon inshaaAllah.
In saying any of these things you're minimalising and therefore making the depressed person feel worse..
To quote a proverb : The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise bring healing".
Much love
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