Thursday, 26 June 2014

Ramadan Basket: The Countdown is On...

Asalam Alikuym :-)

In my preparation for Ramadan, I turned to the ever trusty pinterest ,and saw the idea of a First Day of Ramadan Gift Basket.  I really loved the idea so decided to put together something fun & exciting for Aysha,an Islamic play on the Christmas stocking perhaps..

The basket was just one we had floating about and I thought it would be the ideal size for what I had planned. I've been buying items for Ramadan for months now, as one of my aims this year was to be at least a little organised. I also made the decision that since Aysha has started mainstream schooling this year, and therefore be exposed to holiday & cultural hype for Christmas/Easter/Etc it was time I made a bigger deal of Ramadan & Eid. 

Anyways back onto the topic.. 
I filled the basket with books, and bits & pieces that would bring a Holiday feel, encourage crafts & encourage good deeds. 

Book titles:
Rashad's Ramadan & Eid al-Fitr by Lisa Bullard, illustrated by Hollie Conger (Written for a general audience but I felt a good choice due to it giving a good overview of what Ramadan is about). 

The Jinni on the Roof - A Ramadan Story by Natasha Rafi, illustrated by Abdul Malik Channa. (I did um & ah over this title, jinni is sooo.. Close to my name & they mentioned the maid as being "plump & doughy" but i feel it ties in with Pakistani culture along with the Ramadan theme so it stayed in the selection).

Under the Ramadan Moon by Sylvia Whitman, illustrated by Sue Williams. (A really easy to read, rhyming story, one of my favourite titles for our little kiddies).

Welcome Ramadan by Lila Assiff-Tarabain. (Goodword) (Just a good title) 

The Great Moon Confusion by Richard Byrne. (Not to do with Ramadan at all but the cycle of the moon, which I feel is relevant) 

Funnily enough I have more books but they're Eid related so I'm saving those for Eid gifts :-). 

I also included Ramadan themed paper plates, cups & napkins.. Aysha can decide if she wants to use them for a picnic or to invite a family or friends for iftar its up to her. 

To encourage good deeds I included a jar of birdseed - its winter down here, I was hoping to make a bird feeder with her but we could also just go feed birds, its up to her.. I love teaching Aysha about small deeds we can do daily for the sake of Allah, something as simple as throwing her crusts to the birds after breakfast, smiling at someone etc. 
I brought these adorable food tags so included them too, so we can do baking for family or friends or her class at school..The postcards are from The Party Box on Facebook.

Also included in the basket are some crayons, coloured paper, crayola window crayons (for decorating) and some little girl sized hijabs, a kaleidoscope for moon sighting role play. 

I've decided to make an almost Eid basket too as I have Eid paper plates, Eid themed books, An Eid banner & Eid glitter.. So watch put for that later on too.

InshaaAllah Aysha enjoys this she can be really fussy in what she does & doesn't like but the intention & enthusiasm is there from me. 

What sort of stuff have you done for your little ones to welcome Ramadan?? 

Much love 


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