Saturday, 28 June 2014

Day 1: Ramadan with Aysha - Ramadan Paper Crafts

Asalam Alikuym,

Ramadan has began. Alhumdililah..

This morning my routine was lovely, waking up for suhoor, praying then spending the morning reading & reflecting while the sun came up, then curling back into bed waiting for Aysha to wake up. I have decided Sunday is the (second) best day to start Ramadan, it was so nice to just ease into the first day with no rush and nothing scheduled to interrupt.

Anyways Sinker (Our kitty) woke up Aysha and I told her today is Ramadan so we'll be making some decorations which in her excitement of being creative meant we had to get up immediately & make them RIGHT now!

I chose easy-ish activities this year, suitable for Aysha's age & attention span, we made paper lanterns, some letters & a linking paper chain in bright bold colours. This is my first Ramadan of actually making a effort so its nice to do something fresh & new.

The paper chains aren't in the picture. We'll also finish decorating a little later on, possibly tommorow,  we have crayola window crayons, and some other little bits,  but I forgot to purchase blu-tack so don't have any means of sticking these on the walls lol.. I did try to be organised. 

Also we're learning or at least reading & adding to our displays a verse,hadith or saying each day. Today's:

"Oh ye who believe!
Fasting has been prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al'Muttaqan". (Pious).

InshaaAllah our Ramadan continues just as it started :-).

Much love


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