Asalam Alikuym lovelies,
Hows Ramadan going?
Yesterday (Day 2, Its 3am of day 3 now) didn't go as planned I slept through Suhoor :( but fortunately we do have the short winter fast this year so Alhumdililah for that! I think if it was the long Summer fast I may not have had the ability to not drink water..
Anyways my whole day just seemed off, My memory wasn't at its best and I was in a kind of auto pilot fog which means my body needs its nourishment.. I guess that's why I'm up at 3am because I don't want to sleep through suhoor again.
Right so Aysha's day.. She had school so when she came home she was kinda tired, so we just went with the flow, I gave Aysha some balloons & those noisy things you blow into and they're like a lizard tongue (I can't remember what they are called).. Anyways something small was so exciting to her and she proclaimed "This is the best Ramadan EVER!"
We spent some time in the kitchen, making bread and iftar and everybodys dinner, and I let her watch a movie, we choose "Prince of Egypt". Then she watched and played with my tablet. So our routine was off yesterday and even though I planned on doing something special daily I don't feel disappointed because small things DO add up.. Also our school holidays start soon we can do lots of fun stuff then. Inshaa Allah.
I made this playlist for her : Ramadan Clips for Aysh.
My 2nd Day:
Ayat of the Day:
Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful. Qu'ran 2:185
Goals for the Day:
Read Qu'ran (Juz 2 or 20 pages)
Pray all 5 Salah
Eat more.
Study & Reflect
Be more Productive
Meal Plan.
Food eaten at Suhoor: I forgot to wake up.. *sad face*. Like I said yesterday, planning is the key so its my own fault.. Insha Allah I'll be more prepared.
Food eaten at Iftar: Due to not eating since the night before I was starving, I ate ridiculous choices, Maori fry bread, more pakora (due to how easy they are to make), popcorn, Water... Looking at that I'm disappointed in myself. I usually eat more veggies and fresh healthy nurtrious foods. Also its hard Aysha wanted to help so she was making some random egg and cheese thing, I gave her a bowl and she decided to break eggs, break up cheese and add water, but at least she ate it (after we cooked it, shes a fussy wee thing) and since I was in the kitchen I had to cook for the whole family so I was making iftar then cooking dinner, and I ended up spending over an hour in the kitchen..
Type of movement: Walked down the hill to pick up Aysha from school - 30 minutes on a Hill.
How does my body feel: I seemed to have more energy, I did housework and walked without needing food for energy and I didn't have my sugar slump, which is weird since I didn't eat. I think my body is detoxifying itself as I had some issues last night and this morning had very sore kidneys. I'm feeling nauseous too.
Reflections & Insights:
I need to work on eating better, I can't continue the month without good food.. My nose thinks its sick, with sneezing & not to share too much information but its being "drippy".. But overall i'm feeling good. I feel strangely peaceful, reflective and aware. Ha that sounds like i'm at some kind of Buddhist, but no seriously I guess I'm putting so much focus on Islam & Ramadan, fasting & praying and its having a really good effect on me.
I had a wee moment of feeling lonely, I have always wished for a Muslim Family to actually have Ramadan to be a time of connection and spiritual growth and to share it, as a Single Mama life is lonely anyways but it feels more so during this time.. But I just pushed through it, Allah knows my heart and desires so one day i'll have my Muslim Family.
Its hard not having connections with the Muslim Community, I'm a shy person and have some social phobia so easing into a community will not be easy for me regardless of the month.
Also I think it has to do with the fact i'm the only one fasting in my household, yesterday I was cooking for everyone I had to wait an hour to leave the kitchen for my prayers, I just want some understanding I guess. Then I was so tired I literally crashed in bed until Aysha woke me up. so it looks like I need to work on Time Management as well.. Well Ramadan is a month of working on ourselves and our deen. InshaaAllah.
I guess that's all for today lol
Much love
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