Monday, 30 June 2014

Day 2: Ramadan Reflections

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,

Hows Ramadan going?

Yesterday (Day 2, Its 3am of day 3 now) didn't go as planned I slept through Suhoor :( but fortunately we do have the short winter fast this year so Alhumdililah for that! I think if it was the long Summer fast I may not have had the ability to not drink water..
Anyways my whole day just seemed off, My memory wasn't at its best and I was in a kind of auto pilot fog which means my body needs its nourishment.. I guess that's why I'm up at 3am because I don't want to sleep through suhoor again.

Right so Aysha's day.. She had school so when she came home she was kinda tired, so we just went with the flow, I gave Aysha some balloons & those noisy things you blow into and they're like a lizard tongue (I can't remember what they are called).. Anyways something small was so exciting to her and she proclaimed "This is the best Ramadan EVER!"
We spent some time in the kitchen, making bread and iftar and everybodys dinner, and I let her watch a movie, we choose "Prince of Egypt". Then she watched and played with my tablet. So our routine was off yesterday and even though I planned on doing something special daily I don't feel disappointed because small things DO add up.. Also our school holidays start soon we can do lots of fun stuff then. Inshaa Allah.

I made this playlist for her : Ramadan Clips for Aysh.

My 2nd Day:

Ayat of the Day:
Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (Should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful. Qu'ran 2:185

Goals for the Day:
Read Qu'ran (Juz 2 or 20 pages)
Pray all 5 Salah
Eat more.
Study & Reflect
Be more Productive
Meal Plan.

Food eaten at Suhoor: I forgot to wake up.. *sad face*. Like I said yesterday, planning is the key so its my own fault.. Insha Allah I'll be more prepared.

Food eaten at Iftar: Due to not eating since the night before I was starving, I ate ridiculous choices, Maori fry bread, more pakora (due to how easy they are to make), popcorn, Water... Looking at that I'm disappointed in myself. I usually eat more veggies and fresh healthy nurtrious foods. Also its hard Aysha wanted to help so she was making some random egg and cheese thing, I gave her a bowl and she decided to break eggs, break up cheese and add water, but at least she ate it (after we cooked it, shes a fussy wee thing) and since I was in the kitchen I had to cook for the whole family so I was making iftar then cooking dinner, and I ended up spending over an hour in the kitchen..

Type of movement: Walked down the hill to pick up Aysha from school - 30 minutes on a Hill.

How does my body feel: I seemed to have more energy, I did housework and walked without needing food for energy and I didn't have my sugar slump, which is weird since I didn't eat. I think my body is detoxifying itself as I had some issues last night and this morning had very sore kidneys. I'm feeling nauseous too.

Reflections & Insights:
I need to work on eating better, I can't continue the month without good food.. My nose thinks its sick, with sneezing & not to share too much information but its being "drippy".. But overall i'm feeling good. I feel strangely peaceful, reflective and aware. Ha that sounds like i'm at some kind of Buddhist, but no seriously I guess I'm putting so much focus on Islam & Ramadan, fasting & praying and its having a really good effect on me.
I had a wee moment of feeling lonely, I have always wished for a Muslim Family to actually have Ramadan to be a time of connection and spiritual growth and to share it, as a Single Mama life is lonely anyways but it feels more so during this time.. But I just pushed through it, Allah knows my heart and desires so one day i'll have my Muslim Family.
Its hard not having connections with the Muslim Community, I'm a shy person and have some social phobia so easing into a community will not be easy for me regardless of the month.
Also I think it has to do with the fact i'm the only one fasting in my household, yesterday I was cooking for everyone I had to wait an hour to leave the kitchen for my prayers, I just want some understanding I guess. Then I was so tired I literally crashed in bed until Aysha woke me up. so it looks like I need to work on Time Management as well.. Well Ramadan is a month of working on ourselves and our deen. InshaaAllah.
I guess that's all for today lol

Much love


Sunday, 29 June 2014

Day 1: Ramadan Reflection

Asalam Alikuym,

So as I mentioned earlier I'll be posting my daily reflections. Its a record to see how I do, not only spiritually but see if I'm coping physically without further ado here we go:

Ayat of the Day: I shared this earlier but it was "Oh ye who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqen (Pious)." Qu'ran 2:183

Goals of the Day:
Read Qu'ran (Juz 1 or 20 pages)
Pray all 5 Salah
Make decorations with Aysha, get excited for Ramadan.

Food eaten at Suhoor: Extremely disappointing today I ate Muesli bites & dark chocolate & 2 packets of sultana's (the small ones) & I drank 3 large glasses of water. (I somehow forgot to be organised about food I thought about it but was more focussed on reading Qu'ran & activities to do with Aysh lol)

Food eaten at Iftar: I was rushed, somehow the day slipped away on me.. looked in the cupboard & realised I hadn't planned well, as they say if you fail to plan its a plan to fail.. I made lightly spiced pakora using silverbeet & carrots as my veggies (we have no potatoes) and made some chicken nuggets for Aysha, I ate maybe 4-5 smallish ones.. Lots of water.

Type of movement: Does chasing after Aysha count?

How does my body feel: Sorry for the TMI but I was gassy tonight, the family not impressed.. Otherwise I'm feeling good, not tired, not feeling sick or weak or bloated.

Reflections & Insights:
I don't think I ate enough today so I'm going to have to spend some time tomorrow planning & baking so I'm able to survive this month or knowing me I'll crash from lack of energy.I'm thinking even something simple like Bran Muffins for Suhoor until I get myself organised, half way through the week.
 l didn't want to put a focus on food especially since i'm only catering to myself but maybe i should have.. Also if I'm not eating much maybe I should avoid spices as my tummy is having issues this evening.. So a good thing I didn't go to Masjid..
Speaking of Masjid I was totally intending on going but being a single mum without a car it kinda makes it difficult, so I just prayed & read Qu'ran & watched Mecca on youtube..(even though the time zone is completely whacked).
I prayed for so many of my friends & family today, and my head was in a good space which makes me think maybe in my deep depression days i shoukd just fast & do dhikr, but not making excuses but I wouldn't actually think like that on those days.. I should write it somewhere so I'm reminded :-)

 I think overall it was just a really good start to this month, and I'm really hopeful the month continues on a happy & (more) healthy direction..

Much love


I'm partaking in a Ramadan photo challenge as well.. Giving myself tasks & participating in set challenges actually motivates me. 
Pic 1: Day 1: Selfie :-) 

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Day 1: Ramadan with Aysha - Ramadan Paper Crafts

Asalam Alikuym,

Ramadan has began. Alhumdililah..

This morning my routine was lovely, waking up for suhoor, praying then spending the morning reading & reflecting while the sun came up, then curling back into bed waiting for Aysha to wake up. I have decided Sunday is the (second) best day to start Ramadan, it was so nice to just ease into the first day with no rush and nothing scheduled to interrupt.

Anyways Sinker (Our kitty) woke up Aysha and I told her today is Ramadan so we'll be making some decorations which in her excitement of being creative meant we had to get up immediately & make them RIGHT now!

I chose easy-ish activities this year, suitable for Aysha's age & attention span, we made paper lanterns, some letters & a linking paper chain in bright bold colours. This is my first Ramadan of actually making a effort so its nice to do something fresh & new.

The paper chains aren't in the picture. We'll also finish decorating a little later on, possibly tommorow,  we have crayola window crayons, and some other little bits,  but I forgot to purchase blu-tack so don't have any means of sticking these on the walls lol.. I did try to be organised. 

Also we're learning or at least reading & adding to our displays a verse,hadith or saying each day. Today's:

"Oh ye who believe!
Fasting has been prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al'Muttaqan". (Pious).

InshaaAllah our Ramadan continues just as it started :-).

Much love


Friday, 27 June 2014

Ramadan Mubarak!! And an anti-climatic Moon sighting adventure..

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,

Ramadan Mubarak!! 

According to FIANZ (Federation of Islamic Associations New Zealand), the new moon has been sighted, Alhumdililah, so that means our fasting begins.

I'm excited.. I feel hopeful. Its been no secret this year has been really tough for Aysha & Myself, so I'm taking the opportunity as a fresh start, a time to knuckle down & concentrate on being positive & renewing my iman.. I know some may judge, as some tend to when sisters put on hijabs & brothers show up to masjid more often during this holy month.. but this is between Allah & myself..

So anyways in my making traditions & Ramadan exciting for Aysha I had the intention to do some moon sighting.. But well I didn't know what I was looking for exactly lol nor what direction.. But Alhumdililah we did manage to watch the sunset & the stars start shining, there's always next year. InshaaAllah.

May you all have a blessed & beautiful month.

Much love

Jenn & Aysha

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Ramadan Basket: The Countdown is On...

Asalam Alikuym :-)

In my preparation for Ramadan, I turned to the ever trusty pinterest ,and saw the idea of a First Day of Ramadan Gift Basket.  I really loved the idea so decided to put together something fun & exciting for Aysha,an Islamic play on the Christmas stocking perhaps..

The basket was just one we had floating about and I thought it would be the ideal size for what I had planned. I've been buying items for Ramadan for months now, as one of my aims this year was to be at least a little organised. I also made the decision that since Aysha has started mainstream schooling this year, and therefore be exposed to holiday & cultural hype for Christmas/Easter/Etc it was time I made a bigger deal of Ramadan & Eid. 

Anyways back onto the topic.. 
I filled the basket with books, and bits & pieces that would bring a Holiday feel, encourage crafts & encourage good deeds. 

Book titles:
Rashad's Ramadan & Eid al-Fitr by Lisa Bullard, illustrated by Hollie Conger (Written for a general audience but I felt a good choice due to it giving a good overview of what Ramadan is about). 

The Jinni on the Roof - A Ramadan Story by Natasha Rafi, illustrated by Abdul Malik Channa. (I did um & ah over this title, jinni is sooo.. Close to my name & they mentioned the maid as being "plump & doughy" but i feel it ties in with Pakistani culture along with the Ramadan theme so it stayed in the selection).

Under the Ramadan Moon by Sylvia Whitman, illustrated by Sue Williams. (A really easy to read, rhyming story, one of my favourite titles for our little kiddies).

Welcome Ramadan by Lila Assiff-Tarabain. (Goodword) (Just a good title) 

The Great Moon Confusion by Richard Byrne. (Not to do with Ramadan at all but the cycle of the moon, which I feel is relevant) 

Funnily enough I have more books but they're Eid related so I'm saving those for Eid gifts :-). 

I also included Ramadan themed paper plates, cups & napkins.. Aysha can decide if she wants to use them for a picnic or to invite a family or friends for iftar its up to her. 

To encourage good deeds I included a jar of birdseed - its winter down here, I was hoping to make a bird feeder with her but we could also just go feed birds, its up to her.. I love teaching Aysha about small deeds we can do daily for the sake of Allah, something as simple as throwing her crusts to the birds after breakfast, smiling at someone etc. 
I brought these adorable food tags so included them too, so we can do baking for family or friends or her class at school..The postcards are from The Party Box on Facebook.

Also included in the basket are some crayons, coloured paper, crayola window crayons (for decorating) and some little girl sized hijabs, a kaleidoscope for moon sighting role play. 

I've decided to make an almost Eid basket too as I have Eid paper plates, Eid themed books, An Eid banner & Eid glitter.. So watch put for that later on too.

InshaaAllah Aysha enjoys this she can be really fussy in what she does & doesn't like but the intention & enthusiasm is there from me. 

What sort of stuff have you done for your little ones to welcome Ramadan?? 

Much love 


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Suhoor for Hippies.. Aka healthy breakfasts with weird wonderful healthy ingredients

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,

Thought I'd share some of our suhoor recipes, foods that will give you energy for your fast, are good,nurturing and basically awesome ways to start your day in Ramadan.


If you own a blender (or even if you don't mashing & shaking in a jar can work in a pinch) smoothies is one if the fastest & easiest things to make on a bleary eyed Ramadan morning.

Green Energy (from
1 Apple or cup of fresh fruit
2 Medium Carrots
A handful of sprouts
1 T of kelp/chlorella (powdered seaweed)
4 medium leaves kale
1/2 an avacado
Filtered Water

Blend fruit,carrots, sprouts with small amount of water until smooth, then add leafy veggies, seaweed & avocado, blend at top speed until smooth.. Add water bit by bit if consistency is too thick.
(Variations: use other greens -spinachm dandelion, coriander, parsley or celery.. Add herbal seasonings such as ginger, basil,thyme.. For a sweeter smoothie add a little honey)

Health Boost: aka Monster Smoothie
1 cup nut milk
1 cup fruit
Green leafy Veggies - kale, spinach..
1 t Spirulena (think I spelt that wrong) optional
1 raw fresh (perfebly organic) egg
2 T yoghurt
1 t coconut oil
Small amount of honey

Chuck all in blender, whiz until smooth.

(Source: Natural Parent Magazine)

Yoghurt Smoothie (supporting gut health & therefore building immunity)
1 cup Kefir or plain Yoghurt
1 cup coconut milk
1 t pure honey
1/2 cup fresh in season fruit (banana & dates added will provide extra sweetness)
1 T coconut oil

Blend and drink straight away.

Now for a common favourite pancakes but filling ones not hotcakes you'ld buy in a cafe or fast food outlet..


Chai spice pancakes:
2 cups wholegrain flour
1/4 t salt
2 t baking soda
2 cup almond milk
1/4 t of cloves, cardamom, cinnamon,
2 t freshly grated ginger
Nonstick spray oil (optional)

Mix dry ingredients, add milk mix until combined.
Pour 1/3 cup of batter into pan.. Cook until top side bubbles & is mostly firm then flip, cook for further minute.

(Source 21 day weight loss kickstart, recipe by Jason Wyrick of Vegan Culinary Experience)

No flip pancake:
4 eggs
1/2 cup wholegrain flour
1/2 cup coconut or almond flour
2 T raw or coconut sugar
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup yoghurt
1cm (slice) real butter
1 cup blueberries or pears/stone fruit

Turn ocean to 180°C. Blend all ingredients except fruit until smooth, let it sit 5-10 minutes. Melt butter in oven proof pan. Pour mix into melted butter & scatter fruit on top. Bake 20 mins until golden. It will flatten when removed from oven. Serve with yoghurt or mascapone & a drizzle of raw honey.

(Source: Nourishing your child - Sally Gray, Nurtrtional Dietian)

Yoghurt & Orange pancakes:
200g Greek yoghurt
80g Rapadura Sugar
200g wholemeal flour
5 eggs seperated
2 oranges - juiced (200ml)
Real butter to cook in

Night before, seperate eggs & put yolks in bowl with sugar beat until creamy, add oj, yoghurt & flour & mix thoroughly. Leave on bench covered overnight. In morning whip egg whites, fold mixture. Cook in a little melted butter. Serve with yoghurt & drizzle of honey.

(Should I add the pumpkin pancakes? Request in comments if you'ld like the recipe)

Porridge: (I think my American friends call it oats/oatmeal) 

Carrot cake porridge: (My absolute favourite)
1 C  rolled oats
1 carrot (grated)
1 T sultanas (optional)
1 T chia seeds
1/4 t cinnamon
1 T coconut oil
1 T brown sugar

Throw in pot, use water, coconut milk or milk whatever you prefer, allow to simmer until creamy. :-)

Quinoa Porridge: (with dates & nuts)
1 C Quinoa (soaked overnight)
1 C water
1 C Coconut milk or cream
1/2 C dates
1/2 C nuts & seeds

Put grains & liquid in pot on stove, heat gently until simmering, it will take about 15 minutes to absorb liquid & become quite opaque looking. When cooked take off heat & stir through fruit & nuts. Let it sit 5 minutes.

(Source: Nourishing your Child)

And last but not least the grand : Breakfast Cookie 

3 C rolled Oats
2 very ripe Bananas
1/4 cup butter or coconut oil
2 T yoghurt
1/2 real salt (sea salt)
1/2 C dried fruit (dates always make sweet cookies)
1/2 C roasted Nuts
Optional - cocao or carob, 1 t honey

Mash bananas, add dates & oil & stir to combine. Add remaining ingredients, cover & rest overnight. In morning preheat oven to 180°c & place spoonfuls on a tray lined with baking paper. Bake 12-15 minutes..

If all else fails there's always fruit salad:-)

Hope these have left you inspired to try them this Ramadan. Remember its not about the food but keeping nourished & healthy will help with our fasting inshaaAllah.
Feel free to share any of your favourite breakfast/suhoor recipes below.

Much love


Sunday, 8 June 2014

Ramadan is coming..

Asalam Alikuym,

I wrote about My plans about Aysha for Ramadan, inshaAllah but I haven't yet wrote about my own perspective or hopes, Ramadan will be starting at the end of this Month, depending on when the moon is sighted.
I have to be honest, As a revert I feel my Ramadan days have been lonely and I feel like I just can't fit into the Fasting groove and being a woman I always get that disappointing week of not being able to fast/pray.
But this year I'm trying to enter Ramadan in a new perspective & being hopeful that I won't become depressed or filled with dread at the thought of Eid.

Some of the things I'm doing to prepare myself, well, as my earlier blog post suggests I'm putting some effort & focus into making Ramadan a fun & exciting time for Aysha.

I know for a fact when I think about others my personal wellbeing is usually positive so I'm trying to find out about some charity or community initiatives so I can put my time & energy into them, I don't only want this to be a Ramadan activity alone but I feel Ramadan has given me that extra push to get more involved. I have depression so its kept me to myself a lot, its time for me to start contributing to the world again.. InshaaAllah.

I think I should perhaps try to reintergrate myself & Aysha into the Muslim community, I need to start showing Aysha that Islam isn't a lonely life there are others out there, they're not perfect but essentially they're our "family". And families shouldn't always be estranged. Aysha & I shouldn't have to walk in this religion alone..

I'm also currently reading a book called "Glow with Ramadan All Year Long!" (A Guide for Elevating Your Body-Mind-Soul Health, Before, During & After the Fast). Written by Laila Qafira Yamini.. I'm reading a chapter per day so its giving me time to reflect and learn before I enter Ramadan. She writes a very holistic approach, the book itself is a kinda a Manuel, which really appeals to me. I'm following this book and prepping myself through the advice, so for example today I reflected on what may be holding me back from my potential in Ramadan's past, and I did a small evaluation of my physical/mental/emotional/spiritual health.

Also I'm restocking my food supply & will be meal planning this week, inshaaAllah. Not because Ramadan is about the food but because I feel I want to streamline my time preparing/cooking/eating food to give me more time to focus on ibadah & reading Qu'ran during Ramadan. So I'm thinking porridge (in my various recipes ie: carrotcake porridge) for Suhoors & Soups/Winter Salads/light warming meals for Iftars.

Um what else, I want to keep a diary this year so warming up my writing skills, I'm on the hunt for a plush prayer rug as wooden floors and scarves aren't doing my knees any favours, at some stage I'll be thinking about what to do for Eid, not sure if I'll be spending it on my own lonesome or if we'll be doing the "family" thing..

How do you prepare for Ramadan/Eid? Feel free to share links or comments below.

Much love

