Asalam Alikuym lovelies,
This year I started Ramadan with the best intentions instead of that usual feeling of dread & reluctance, Alhumdililah. (By the way Alhumdililah means all praise due to Allah, Muslims say it in times of good & bad.. Its like a reminder like no matter what all praise to Allah). But well .. I've fallen off the bandwagon already, its not like the fasting is hard this year, but if I want to make an excuse its due to me not waking early enough for Suhoor, that awkward time when you wake with JUST enough time for fajr prayers but NOT enough time to eat something. Its all on me I can't blame shaytain, I can't even blame the cold this month its on me..
Sorry I know I shouldn't be exposèing myself but I do let others know I struggle, I'm genuine and honest if something isn't going right or feeling right I share. But anyways what I really want to say is what I really love about this month its easier to forgive myself & say "you know what Jenn.. its Ramadan lets pick myself up, brush myself off & rebegin my fasting & Ramadan routine".
So that's exactly what I'm doing. I took a shower, And renewed my intention to fast. And once again i'm fasting for the sake of Allah, And fasting for the sake of my suffering & hungry brothers & sisters & babies in the Ummah. Obviously I'll make up my fast at a later day.
I think I'll try pick up on my Ramadan journal but please excuse my missed days..It's more for my reflections but I am sharing on a blog for some accountability.
OK much love
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