Monday, 7 July 2014

Aysha's Resources: Some of our Favourite Ramadan themed Books

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,

I feel as a revert trying to raise a Muslim Kid in a non Islamic environment I tend to overcompenstate, I don't know if that's a normal thing or not but as a result we have a HUGE collection of Islamic themed books.. Some great.. Some not so great.. But anyways since it is Ramadan I'll share some of our favourite Ramadan themed books.

Golden Domes & Silver Lanterns. (A Muslim Book of Colours). Written by Hena Khan & illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini.
This has to be one of my all time favourite book for our little Muslims & Muslimahs. Really beautiful colourful illustrations, gorgeous poetic easy to read rhyming language, together it just makes a truly beautiful book. 

Rashad's Ramadan & Eid al'Fitr. Wriiten by Lisa Bullard. 
This is a really good book written for kids Muslim or not; to teach them about the general themes of Ramadan. Covers Moon sighting, Allah, Helping others,etc Really colourful Pictures & easy to read & understand concepts. 

Under the Ramadan Moon. Wriiten by Sylvia Whitman & Illustrated by Sue Williams. This is another beautifully written rhymatic book. The pictures are gentle but gorgeous. Really appealing for our little ones. 

These next two books aren't exactly Ramadan themed but encourage good deeds. Being a theme central to Ramadan, I thought I'd share them too. 

Zak and His Good Intentions. Written by J.Samia Mair. & Illustrated by Omar Burgess. We love this book!! A really great message in how even if our actions don't always go as planned our intentions still matter. A longer book in length than the other ones I've shared in the post but still manages to keep little ones attention aided by the charming & sometimes funny illustrations by Omar Burgess. 

The Apple Tree. By Miriam Al-Kalby. Illustrated by Yee Von Chan. This book is Gorgeous!! The pictures are just beautiful!! This book is kinda long to read so for a beginner reader may not hold their full attention, but this book will still be a beautiful addition to any home library. Check out the Authors blog" A Pocket Full Of Notes" Here.

InshaaAllah these books inspire you to head to the library or buy or borrow such books.. Please do share your favourites. 

Much love 


1 comment:

  1. Hello Jenn,

    I have been reading your blog for the last half hour. I see so much honesty. Please keep writing i would like to read more about you and sweet Ayesha.

    I feel your struggle may Allah make it easy for you.
