Monday, 21 July 2014

Eid ...

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,

Can I be honest & say I'm not looking forward to Eid this year, with the suffering of our ummah but also because my Eid's are always the same.. We attend Eid prayers where I feel overwhelmed by the crowds, can't hear the imam, feel squished and try to pray with a clingy child attached.. Its all part of her Islamic upbringing though eh.. Then Aysha spends the day with her Dad going to a Pakistani community function.. I've attempted to go in the past but the language barrier is too much and I often feel extremely lonely at these events so instead I spend the day by myself watching some sort of TV series or movies. Last year Aysha was sick so it was nice to spend the day cuddled with her on the couch.

This year I'm not even sure if I'll be spending Eid in Dunedin or Christchurch, a Dunedin Eid would mean I'd probably just carry on as usual, Aysha would take day off from school though & that may be the most exciting part for her lol..(I don't think I can go to the prayers as my body won't let me this year.. Don't ask).. Last year I brought presents for my christian family, which was fun but then months down the track I had to buy them Christmas presents too so it was just spending $$ I didn't really have.
However an Eid in Christchurch would just be the same as always..

Nevermind Eid's even though they are meant to be our special holidays its not all about me.. its about giving Aysha some special memories, giving her the feeling that she's a part of the Muslim Community & that Eid is part of her growing up in New Zealand as a Muslim kid (which hopefully means a day off school, a pretty outfit, some yummy food & presents)

So anyways.. Like I planned for the beginning of Ramadan, I thought I'd do an Eid themed basket from stuff I've collected over the last few months.

So far there's books with Eid themes:

Cinderella -An Islamic Tale by Fawzia Gilani (Islamic fairy tales woohoo.. There's also Snow White & Sleeping Beauty in the series).. It mentions Eid prayers and celebrations even though its more about Eid al-Huda; I'm still including it as part of the Eid theme.

Little Batuls Eid Celebration - by Munise Ulker. This story also is written for Eid al-Huda but I felt extremely relevant for this Eid too, its a story about kids living in western countries away from the Eid feel of other Muslim countries. I love how they mentioned talking to grandparents overseas & still keeping up with Eid traditions.

Searching for the Eid Moon - Adventures of Mystical Desert Island part 1- Thuraya Ali.  As the title suggests a story about the search for the Eid Moon at the end of fasting. Quite a lengthy story but since one of the only books I could find on the Eid al-Fitr topic including it here.

Eid Kareem Ameer Saab & Aminah & Aisha's Eid Gifts both by Fawzia Gilini-Williams. Both by Goodword books

There's also a Islamic themed puzzle, Eid party plates, Eid postcards, Eid Confetti, An Eid banner & an Elephant sandwhich cutter.

I was trying to go for a simple but ethusiastic little collection to bring a celebratory feel to Eid for Aysha. Unfortunately I just can't seem to get into hype mode for Eid.

Actually one day I'd love to throw Aysha a really fun & unique Eid party I even have it planned out in my head lol..decorating, Having a pinyata, playing party games like pin the tail on the Qurbani or pin hijab pin on the hijabi, musical/nasheedi prayer rugs, minarets & tunnels(candle sticks), pass the parcel, wudu or salah game instead of the chocolate game, decorating cookies & eating yummy middle eastern & desi & kiwi fusion party food.. Haha I know I'm nuts..

Anyways may you all have a blessed Eid inshaaAllah.

Much love



Sunday, 20 July 2014

Hear my Voice

Asalam Alikuym,

OK so basically I'm an outsider I have no connections with Palestine nor "Israel". I only know what I observe through news networks, blogs & social media. BUT I am a Muslim & I am human & I have a heart that gets broken over blood shed, my eyes fill with tears & my heart hurts when I see our brothers & sisters & babies of the Ummah being killed & injured in ridiculously high numbers for what appears to be no reason than the fact they were born on a piece of land called Palestine.

As a fellow Muslim I can no longer sit quietly, I must share!

Once upon a time I was a journalist, a radio journalist, I was required to tell short & precise stories to get facts & events out to the general public. So I will try my hardest to write without the waffle..

You would of had to have been living under a rock to not have heard about the Attack on Gaza/Palestine this July from the Israeli Army/Government or as Western media calls it an "Israeli-Palestinian conflict".. Ha a few stones & small rockets against a full force air strike/bombings & land/port invasion isn't a war but an attack & genocide of the Palestinian people.

I'm not going to go into political or historical nitty gritty, honestly any Google search could tell you about that (just be sure to search through the bs & propaganda) but basically the piece of geography in question known as Palestine is a region that has a long & rocky history including cultural, commericial, political & religious conflict. "Israel" as it is known was born as a Jewish state in 1948.

Since 1948 the Palestinian people of the land have lost their homes, watched their land be overtaken, watched homes destroyed & replaced, lost generations in attacks, ranging from oldest grandparents to the newest babies and everyone inbetween, they can't leave, they're being starved and denied basic human rights ..thanks to this so called Nation "Israel".. Can you honestly tell me if this was your country & family you would accept it peacefully without fighting? No definitely not?!!

We have to speak out, even if no government or anyone else listens one day our voices will be the voice of the past of history..

Continue to pray for our Palestinian family, don't allow them to think they are alone. Cry out to Allah, use your tears, get angry, use your voice.. I remember being told of a hadith which says if you see an evil change it by his hands, if he cannot then his voice/speech, if he cannot then within his heart. (Muslim). So please don't forget or give up on them!

I leave you today with this link to a letter from Gaza. Please read & share.

Much love

Friday, 18 July 2014

Writers Block - Not knowing what to say

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,

InshaaAllah your Ramadan is going smoothly?

I've been in Christchurch with Aysha visiting her dad, trying to see if we can move forward as a family, trying to make huge decisions which has been really hard with everything thats going on.
The weather has been yucky so we spent most of our days at home on the couch watching movies and keeping updated with the news, I don't think i need to remind everyone about how depressing news is atm especially the situation in Gaza / Palestine..
I feel my heart being broken every time i see a picture of a child caught in the conflict. Its like the people of Palestine are pawns in something so much bigger than them, than us... the loss of life,homes, land, is devastating.. I just feel overwhelmed but at least we still have the ability to pray.. Prayer can do what we cant...

So thats why i've been kinda quiet guys, I'm feeling somehow that my words can't form i cant just carry on as normal.. Need to shake this depression.. I find being a person who suffers from Depression as an Illness some things just really weigh me down, especially when i'm feeling overwhelmed.

Please Remember Palestine and all of our other oppressed Muslims in your dua.


Monday, 7 July 2014

Aysha's Resources: Some of our Favourite Ramadan themed Books

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,

I feel as a revert trying to raise a Muslim Kid in a non Islamic environment I tend to overcompenstate, I don't know if that's a normal thing or not but as a result we have a HUGE collection of Islamic themed books.. Some great.. Some not so great.. But anyways since it is Ramadan I'll share some of our favourite Ramadan themed books.

Golden Domes & Silver Lanterns. (A Muslim Book of Colours). Written by Hena Khan & illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini.
This has to be one of my all time favourite book for our little Muslims & Muslimahs. Really beautiful colourful illustrations, gorgeous poetic easy to read rhyming language, together it just makes a truly beautiful book. 

Rashad's Ramadan & Eid al'Fitr. Wriiten by Lisa Bullard. 
This is a really good book written for kids Muslim or not; to teach them about the general themes of Ramadan. Covers Moon sighting, Allah, Helping others,etc Really colourful Pictures & easy to read & understand concepts. 

Under the Ramadan Moon. Wriiten by Sylvia Whitman & Illustrated by Sue Williams. This is another beautifully written rhymatic book. The pictures are gentle but gorgeous. Really appealing for our little ones. 

These next two books aren't exactly Ramadan themed but encourage good deeds. Being a theme central to Ramadan, I thought I'd share them too. 

Zak and His Good Intentions. Written by J.Samia Mair. & Illustrated by Omar Burgess. We love this book!! A really great message in how even if our actions don't always go as planned our intentions still matter. A longer book in length than the other ones I've shared in the post but still manages to keep little ones attention aided by the charming & sometimes funny illustrations by Omar Burgess. 

The Apple Tree. By Miriam Al-Kalby. Illustrated by Yee Von Chan. This book is Gorgeous!! The pictures are just beautiful!! This book is kinda long to read so for a beginner reader may not hold their full attention, but this book will still be a beautiful addition to any home library. Check out the Authors blog" A Pocket Full Of Notes" Here.

InshaaAllah these books inspire you to head to the library or buy or borrow such books.. Please do share your favourites. 

Much love 


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Ramadan Reflections: Bang..fizz..sizzle..

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,

This year I started Ramadan with the best intentions instead of that usual feeling of dread & reluctance, Alhumdililah. (By the way Alhumdililah means all praise due to Allah, Muslims say it in times of good & bad.. Its like a reminder like no matter what all praise to Allah). But well .. I've fallen off the bandwagon already, its not like the fasting is hard this year, but if I want to make an excuse its due to me not waking early enough for Suhoor, that awkward time when you wake with JUST enough time for fajr prayers but NOT enough time to eat something. Its all on me I can't blame shaytain, I can't even blame the cold this month its on me..

Sorry I know I shouldn't be exposèing myself but I do let others know I struggle, I'm genuine and honest if something isn't going right or feeling right I share. But anyways what I really want to say is what I really love about this month its easier to forgive myself & say "you know what Jenn.. its Ramadan lets pick myself up, brush myself off & rebegin my fasting & Ramadan routine".

So that's exactly what I'm doing. I took a shower, And renewed my intention to fast. And once again i'm fasting for the sake of Allah, And fasting for the sake of my suffering & hungry brothers & sisters & babies in the Ummah. Obviously I'll make up my fast at a later day.

I think I'll try pick up on my Ramadan journal but please excuse my missed days..It's more for my reflections but I am sharing on a blog for some accountability.

OK much love


Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Ramadan Reflections: Third Day

Asalam Alikuym lovelies,
Alhumdililah for being in New Zealand where we have fresh abundant food, clean water, warm (ish) homes and we're safe with no war, unfortunately many of our Muslim Brothers & Sisters don't have these basic necessities.. Please Especially remember Palestine & Syria, and every other oppressed group of our ummah family in your duas.

Day 3 and we're doing well, I'm still feeling really positive and generally peaceful so it seems Ramadan this year is having an awesome effect, I finally understand how  people say they love Ramadan. My last few years as a revert have really sucked, but I'm trying to embrace the quiet and alone-ness, its my own personal Ramadan retreat..

Aysha had a not so great day, she woke up tired (apparently she was watching Mr Maker while I was sleeping.. grr..) and she had 2 hours of a meltdown on her arrival home this afternoon so we didn't manage to get anything "exciting" done, however she did tell me she wanted to draw pictures about Ramadan so we did that this evening.

My 3rd Day:

 Hadith of the Day:
The Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained." (Imam Bukhari)

Goals for the Day:
Read Qu'ran (Finish Juz 2 - I'm finding I'm reading slower as I want to actually focus on what I am reading will spend more time tomorrow catching up InshaaAllah)
Pray all 5 Salah
Eat more.

Food eaten at Suhoor: Smoothie, Porridge & Bread, 1 large glass of water.

Food eaten at Iftar: I made dinner, cooking it early so I just ate this for breaking my fast plus nearly 2 litres of water.

Type of movement: Just incidental exercise today

How does my body feel: Good, I was really thirsty this evening.

 Reflections & Insights:
 Its a really sad realisation that just because we're trying to make the world a better place, that it doesn't mean the rest of the world is. The news of the attack on Gaza really did put a damper on my day but we're fasting and making duaa. Allah is listening.. s.

I'll be taking Aysha to see her dad during the school holidays,But I've made a plan and praying that this all goes ok., I mean the visit up there.
Umm.. not much else I guess so Wellikuym Asalam for now my dears.

 Much love
